

This ain't no joke...The heat is on

Ooooooo Look at that ass!

Leather and chrome?! Are you nuts!
So the 9000 or Bold as its called has been officially revealed and i ain't gonna lie i use my Curve so much my hands have started to look like this...

Now there's been one thing i have noticed recently, and that is a small war brewing between that of the blackberry and those who fight the good fight that is iPhone!

I know what i prefer and i ain't Steve jobs' bitch!...he says as he types on his mac book...

So who you with?



Angelicious said...

Hahahaha! I literally have my 8310 in one hand and typing on Bernie (my mac book) but I have to say:

"Berry all day long!" that pic you posted is shexy! (not ur blackberry cripple grip,) the sleek and sexy blackberry. If it was legally possible I would marry mine.

I have woken up many a morning with mine in my hand mid type on a BBM message. Speaking of BBM, when iPhones come with free messaging, I may think about looking at one, til then ... psssh!

Angelicious said...

(i even have an rss feed for ATCN on mine :s)

NO-BIZZI said...



Berry all day

Angelicious said...

Google reader my youte!

See new post, jump on Bernie and reply. Go look.

Do it ...... do it ...... do it!

Mrs. W said...

angelicious ! you are freaaking amazin! haha! Rss feed! BIG!

blackberry all day long... however the iphone is sexual.. but the BOLD.. LEATHER! WOW

Anonymous said...

I love my blackberry pearl.. and I love the leather and the way the keys are set out on this one! The iphone is nice and sleek... but its pointless getting one cuz I've got the iTouch, and ive heard iPhones break all the time. So I vote the berry

The Almanac said...

lol, i knew this argument was gonna surface sooner or later...

i say: BOTH!!!

im lucky enough to have the two, and i love them both, the ipod works nice on the iphone and it looks nice, but if i had to pick one, it would be........

my blackberry!!!!

Blackberry messenger is an essential part of life, and i couldn't do without it!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Blackberry 9000 all the way! iphone is a completely different phone...

NO-BIZZI said...


laura said...

am i the only person with neither?

i know, i know, i need to fix up.

clav said...

@ Specks; a disrespeck, firstly Coming To America and now this... Deeeeeeeeaaaaaar.

Anyway, I'm in the camp that says both, although I own an iPhone I totally see the benefits of a 'berry. For messaging they are the professionals choice BUT - to all those who haven't really seen an iPhone in action, I've got Coming to America, Trading Places, Raw, Delirious AND Boomerang chilling on my iPhone at a level of quality that has to be seen to be believed... And that's also not including my own music videos (very cool when kicking game with chicks!)...

I await Apples risposte to the new 'berry in July -iPhone 2, you'd better be good (and make sure you give us MMS capability dammit!!!!)....

Angelicious said...

As a Berry lover Clav, I gots my iPod for all the movie, video loving I need!

Question: whats the video playback like? and can u make/receive video calls?

This is the only thing I think a Berry lacks, but to be fair I have iChat on the mac.

laura said...

sorry clav, you should know by now, i need guidance.