
(Video )Kanye West - Love Lockdown



William Adam said...

It makes no sense
If anything i dislike the song even more
he blatantly lost with this one

DELS (Kieren Dickins) said...

I disagree W. Adam.

I like the video. Still dont like the song - but the visuals are very very strong. I definately wont forget it.

Does it have to make sense? Some of my favourite music videos of all time make no sense at all but thats what makes them great.

Life is too plain without fantasy.

Anonymous said...

this vid is beautifully shot, the colour pallet is spot on and the energy and feel perfectly compliments the song. Yet again, he continues to deliver freshness.

dels.. i'm stealing your closing line!!

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

song isn't half bad

whateveryouwantittosay said...

He's shoes aren't that fresh- they look like some Stella McCartney's I spoted a few years back.
I agree with Dels. Watch this on mute and you can appreciate the vid

Anonymous said...

the song is bland
the video is bland

why kanye? why?

The Almanac said...
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The Almanac said...

the song is yet to grab me, and i feel pretty much the same about the video...

NO-BIZZI said...

Stadium status!

Wait till you hear this with live drums at the o2....


DELS (Kieren Dickins) said...

I see where ur coming from Biz.

its all about the o2 Nov 12...

NO-BIZZI said...

Imagine Chris martin singing and it said Coldplay on the CD not Kanye... get it yet?

Suddenly the world premire being on Ellen not MTV makes FRIKKIN SENSE this record and this rapper will continue to win new fans,
Im not with the whole stick to what we expect mentality.

Kanye isnt a rapper like jeezy or Jay he is more cross over then they will ever be yet credible.

This record is about growth, Stadiums not radio hence going top 3 in the u.s off his blog and Itunes alone...


Ms Porcelain said...

I always admire someone who is not afraid to keep growing... This is what this song and video is for me: growth!!

I BOW in the presence of greatness LOL!! You right Biz it will be MASSIVE Live. I might just have to purchase a plane ticket to see this dude live, because he might never come around to my part of the world!

Anonymous said...

@no bizzi, when i heard this song, i couldnt help but think 'this song sounds like it belongs to someone else' and no that you've mentioned it, it does have a ridiculously signature coldplay sound.

The video is GREAT don't know what in the fuk it means or what he's playing at but i love it, especially at the beginng when that warrier looks like he's jumping out of the screen

Phoebe said...

I love this video and I love the song.

Anonymous said...

You lot please,this tune is weak the video aint bad,kanye has zero swagger.
Dude is always uptight and over styled,kanye, a tracksuit won't hurt your image bro.

William Adam said...

well i watched it again [on mute] his time and yes it is a little better
i retract my previous comment

but the song is still weak

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit Kanye fan, seen him live a few times,went to the listenoing of Graduation last year,etc and been into everything he has done, but when I first heard Love Lockdown I was like what on earth is this!! But the more I've listened to it the more its grown on me fair enough the vocoder is starting to get way over used by people who can't sing a note but that another story! I thought the video was dope and I can't wait for glow in the dark on the 12th!

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit Kanye fan, seen him live a few times,went to the listenoing of Graduation last year,etc and been into everything he has done, but when I first heard Love Lockdown I was like what on earth is this!! But the more I've listened to it the more its grown on me fair enough the vocoder is starting to get way over used by people who can't sing a note but that another story! I thought the video was dope and I can't wait for glow in the dark on the 12th!

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of Kanye's videos usually and I actually like the track but this vid had me baffled and a little uncomfortable for some reason.

Call me a simple soul but I like to see some sort of link between the song lyrics and the video.

Anonymous said...

i really like the video, it wasnt what i expected. I was half expecting some will i am heartbreaker esque vid... dont know why.

i agree this song does have major crossover appeal. as arrogant as dude is he has the bigger picture figured out.when i first heard it i thought it sounded like something rihanna would come out with and like her this song is growing on me.

The Delve said...

Definitely loved the direction 'Ye went with this one. Looks like they symbolism of the tribal dancers beating drums and dancing to re-energize his broken and torn heart is helping him stop the bleeding of the draped emotionless interior as represented by the home/space he was in.



Asari said...

Very good video!

Too many peeps keep going on about how he has become too commercial. Music is a business and he's a successful businessman. he has an ear for what works and what will sell.

Bring on the 12th November! the bass for that tune is gonna be NEXT!! can't wait!

Nick BlatantlyBlunt said...

I think what people are forgetting is that this has gotta be Kanye's 1st major track where he's JUST singing and not rapping..

At first i wasn't too sure of this, then it grew on me, now i think its just above average for his standards!

He needs to keep it more hip hop imo!
