Trading Places IV has been and gone. Were YOU there? What went down?
Acyde and No-Bizzi went head to head again, and boyyy, did they deliver. As did the girls who kept up stamina in the extreme heat on the dance floor, ALL night long, you know who you are.
Big birthday wishes for our very own Mr W, and in house cake baking lord Shenanigan for baking her ass off yet again.
Things got rammed, incense sticks got burnt and the undeniable monthly good vibes of a Trading Places party were had. Suz P and Kish top form AGAIN.
Biggest tunes of the night?
Check out the rest of the pics here.
POW specks
excellent work mam-Z-elle...send any pics that you have of Bizz in that A-Insa t to Insa..he asked me but i was too locked into that booth & what you got is great...
And the T shirt would be... soon come
Nice snaps and what a night!
amazing...had to much fun !!!
Pictures are cool, apart from the 4th one down. That ugly girl in the blue top? Eurgh!
If you think the blonde in the blue dress is ugly, check the 7th shot down. That fat black girl in the black dress--now THAT is UGLY!
^^^^the 2 comments above are just mean spirited. At least be funny if you are going to make fun of people.
wow that insa x atcn tee is sick! atcn is going places! when will the atcn toy be released?
i agree ^^^
a bizzi action figure!
Leave it out - that girl in the 4th pic is a mate of mine, lovely lass she is too...
That pic didn't catch her at her best, it could happen to anyone!
That includes YOU anon.
I fell down the stairs!
ATCN x INSA tees are too ill.
Trading Places was big. I enjoyed myself... although my ex was lurking. so i had to vacate the building.
Big up Acyde & Biz pon de decks.
ps. i didnt get to try SHE NANG's bakery selection. damn.
She Nang in that first picture.....mmmm.... Her cakes can't be as tasty as her, can they???
not gonna lie... it was the best yet!!!! cant believe i lasted all night! cant wait for the next one tho!x
happy pics!i got 2excited wen sleepy brown n old skool garage dropped!x //sweatyblakgirlinpurple// x
Night was heavy!. U lot should leave out the hip hop though cause it just wernt that crowd. Dont get me wrong, I love the 90s shit but it lost vibes everytime it got played, The trading places crowd seem like more of a hight st/funky house type of crowd. Cant complain though, one of the better parties ive been too recently!
What party were you in fam?
Do you not remember everyone rapping along to biggie?
Everyone going mad for scenerio?
The reaction slum village got?
I swear like two funky tune got played
Acyde and biz the mix was just right
Roll on next month
You man have that monthly that a lot of clubs would die for
allow the funky, the music was IMMENSE.
gk you are sexy.
Cool pics Specks - sorry I didn't make it - but I blame it on the two big bassis - especially the short one with the blonde hair!
yes...shenanigan is rather a foxy lady... & she bakes exceedingly good cakes...
I have a soft spot for the ginger one aswell, i'm glad to know I'm not the only one. I need to come to the next party.
does Ginger look like Simon Amstell in the first shot??
specks has bingo wings. lol.hateeeee girls with fat arms.
nice face though.
Dont get me wrong, im not dissin the night. I remember Scenario gettin dropped and seein a handfull of people wilin out but Most people seemed more excited by Lethal Bizzle or Old School Garage. Biggies kind of a standard at any event, people are always gonna rap along to One more chance.
fat arms....specks....i dont think so the girl hasn't got an ounce of fat on her you plank.
sick pics looked like a good night
Bingo wings ?! Shitt. Stop digesting what the media force-feeds you about beauty and size. Most of these magazines are edited by gay men who try to make women look like young boys with no curves whatsoever. Specks may not be the most conventionally beautiful woman out there but thats what sets her apart and makes her a million times more attractive than any run of the mill girl. Why am I even saying this ? She aint got a bit of fat on her !
Specks is beautiful. Full stop.
delboy and ginger face were taller than i expected! i saw them skankin on the dancefloorrrrrrrr.
they looked so young...
intelligence + beauty = specks - annoying anons = a happy specks
big pics
A few points people,
1.) Big party.
2.) I do look a bit like Simon Amstell, yes, I get it alot.
3.) I am quite tall.
4.) Specks is perfect, don't question specks's appearence or personality or you will get moved to by the 'specks fanclub'. (see above)
5.) The best pictures in this post were taken by me, don't try and claim them 4 eyes.
Take care.
Ginger Kid is blatently fucking specks.
Good man I salute him. With four fingers innit.
ginger kid looks like a ginger version of simon amstell in that top pic
and that tee is quite siick too
specks fan club is in full force
Love to Specks, but where's the pictures of fellow Triber Phoebe?! Now she is HOT!
Completely off topic here, but what the fuckkk!!
Mother Jones website is running a photo essay on Great Neck, NY photojournalist / former Marine Anthony Karen, 42. The piece, utilizing text, audio, and pictures, documents the work of Ku Klux Klan seamstress, below.
Coming from five generations of Ku Klux Klan members, 58-year-old “Ms. Ruth” sews hoods and robes for Klan members seven days a week, blessing each one when it’s done. A red satin outfit for an Exalted Cyclops, the head of a local chapter, costs about $140. She uses the earnings to help care for her 40-year-old quadriplegic daughter, “Lilbit,” who was injured in a car accident 10 years ago.
Amazing. You gotta admire their dedication to arts & kkkrafts.
Bingo wings? Are you fucking kidding me? She looks hella petite. It's crazy that some people try to say that any girl who doesn't look like they're in a concentration camp is fat.
1)get your eyes checked.
2)why don't you post YOUR pic.
3)fuck off.
Okay, one more thing. Anon, are you on crack? Don't even answer, I already know the answer.
Dels and Ginger Kid were bigger than I expected to. Don't know what I expected but still.
Specks is pretty, when is there going to be some atcn babies, i thought it would have happened by now. You all seem fertile. Ginger Kid and Specks imagine the baby! AWWWWWWW...nice couple.
specks i wear specks, care for a date?
imagine the rap machine a bizzi-dels baby would be.
p.s specks fan club facebook group coming soon
Considering how multi-racial London is, how come the majority of the Trading Places attendees are black? Now before the hate starts and dickheads start twisting my comments out of context in order to spew some racist bullshit, I am NOT saying that there is anything wrong with that. It's just I expected much more of a real mix of the full flavour of London and a real representation of a TRIBE called NEXT! As far as I can tell, there was about 4 white people, 3 Asians and 2 Chinese in the house.....the rest, I'll leave that to your eyes. Remember: Variety is the spice of life. Peace on Earth to one and all.
I think Trading Places is primarily a black thing, that's all.
nah unfortunately trading places is now BAIT.
should have kept it to the original format friends and family, guest list only i couldn't beleive the garbage people that where rolling through that night.
it was just like some ministry rave but with a carpet. those who went to trading places 1&2 and then suffered at that rubbish on saturday will know what im on about. (totally different vibe)
didn't go
I went to 3 and it was a good night, the pictures above make it look far more mixed than is being made out by anon
I agree. I've been to two (including Saturday) and the pictures do make it look far more "mixed" than it is when you're actually there. I can assure you that it most definitely is a 99% black crowd and maybe that's the aim of the whole thing, so good luck to 'em. Keep the rest out I say!!!!!!!
Hope to see more of a cultural mix of all that ATCN represents at the next one. Change and Progress will be in the air. After all, it will be a celebration of President Barack Obama's victory!
*cough, cough*
I don't know the musical content of trading places or the demographic represented, but I will say something that I think has been swept under the years in recent years.
Hip Hop was created by BLACK people. It was born outta BLACK culture and has a lineage that can be traced straight back to West African musical traditions.
Period. Don't give me this new-age PC garbage about hip hop being birthed outta the rainbow. Surely, there are, were, and will continue to be talented hip hop artists repping all colors of the spectrum, but can we be real about its origins?
If trading places was an even playing hip hop with a lot Black people present- heaven forbid. Heaven forbid Black people get together and enjoy Black music and other good tunes. If a large group of black people get together, people always want to break it apart. People want us to pretend like hip hop wasn't born outta Black culture, let it go, and silently let everyone capitalize off of it (whatever, if you truly have the respect and skills, and know its history- fine) and over time, appropriate it altogether (not cool. rock n roll, anyone?)
I have spent nearly my entire life being in situations where I was the minority. God forbid the tables get turned. Then it's time to make it a rainbow fest. It sounds like the nite life version of gentrification. Folks want a certain amount of Black folks around so they can feel cultured, but would like a large percentage of Black people in the neighborhood/scene to go away so that they are not outnumbered, and so that THEY themselves don't have to assimilate or deal with being outnumbered.
Booga, not only in this post but in an earlier one too (where you got schooled on Malcolm/Martin and had to shut ya ass up), you sit on this pseudo "black" chair of superiority and then get schooled by someone better versed than you in history. As someone who has connected with leaders and thinkers from Minister Farrakhan, Cornel West, bell hooks, Tavis Smiley, Chuck D and Ice Cube, I will happily post up audio and transcripts where Hiphop's earliest practitioners from Bambaataa to Flash to KRS to Crazy Legs to respected writers from Harry Allen to Bonz Malone will make it plain on the true origins of the culture. Yes, Hiphop came from out of the South Bronx and NO-ONE is denying the lineage, but black, Puero Rican AND white people all played a part in its birth. KRS himself stated that this is the one place where Martin Luther King's dream is a reality. It's for every race, face and place so fuck off with your wannabe-Chuck D bullshit (I can assure you he wouldn't co-sign your crap). The discussion wasn't even about black people getting together for a club night--your small mind twisted it into something it wasn't. It's gone midnight in the UK and I have an early start, but I'll deal with ya bitch ass in the morning. In the meantime, wake the fuck up.
booga is the jeramiah wright of this blog. Stuck in a timewarp of outdated thinking. No doubt nice and sincere, but unfortunately, sincerely wrong. She comes across like a ranting and raving bitch who thinks because she's read a few pro-black books, she's now qualified to apply those same "facts" to every discussion! ACTN is more Barack Obama. Smart, progressive and evolving with the times. Basically, fuckoff booga with your 1960s-era pseudo-bullshit. ATCN, keep it moving for ALL people. Trading Places rocks for colourful people, not just for people of colour. Respeckonize that.
its black history month too lol.
but yeah, TP is a lil bait now, the ones in sketch was better i think, albeit it was a sweatbox and a half lol
All you little anons out there aren't even worth raising my blood pressure over.
Really, that's mature.
Some Puerto Rican and white folks were present in hip hops beginings, I'll give you that. (The key word is SOME. I actually acknowledged this in my original statement.) Check out traditional Taino music. What's that, having a hard time finding it? Maybe because Puerto Rican culture, dance, and music is largely dervived from WEST AFRICAN cultural traditions. Taino's were mostly wiped out and those who were not mostly mixed with Black folks. Think about, why the hell do you have a plethora of PR's running around with skin as darker and darkerNow what European music has the cadences, rhythms and presense of call and response that is so integral to much of hip hop, wiseguy?
People want to clump all pro-black people together. My politics have nothing to do with Jeremiah Wright's. Have you read Obama's books?
I often make overstatements, and I will be the first to admit it. In the case of Malcolm X and Martin- I made a rash overstatement. I felt like the painting and the comments were on a peace conquers all steez. So yes, I overcompensated by stress howing self defense and demands were integral to Black History. Someone made a well-thought comment in response, some of which I already knew, but did not include for simplicities sake. Other parts of it were food for thought. I don't always have the time and/or desire to respond to messages regarding my comments. Sometimes I don't even look back. Calling me a bitch only shows how infantile you are. Say what you will, homey, you are chickenshit hidding behind the safe anonymity of the internet.
Nowhere did I state that ONLY Black people could go to trading places, but to be disappointed that the majority of people or too large a percentage of people are Black is without merit, for the aforementioned reasons. Again, scroll up if you don't understand the context of my original statement. I was not the one who originally brought race into discussion.
Oh, and the little statement about teaching me in the morning- wtf ever- you little mangina- YOU can fuck off, both of you. I'm not going to make this a battle of who has the most time, because I'm sure that you'd win. Go ahead with some more of your asinine, bullshit comments so that you can feel that you "schooled" me when I don't respond to your diatribe.
mmmmm, Since when is Trading Places a Hip Hop night anyway? Didnt someone just say "POW" was the biggest track if the night? Thats a joke in itself for anyone that actually likes decent music (which is what i thought Trading Places was about)
..wow that booga chick needs to shut up. obviously no one cares what you think.
Specks ain't fat, she's just a little nerdy girl with a plain face. No ifs or buts about it
Exactly, 'Trading Places' was never JUST a strictly Hiphop night, so Bogie's post was a misnomer to begin with. The silly Afroeccentric girl just likes to inject race and one-sided historical inaccuracies and opinions into every discussion that she can. And even then she messes up.
"I often make overstatements, and I will be the first to admit it. In the case of Malcolm X and Martin- I made a rash overstatement."--Booooga
Please don't start an debate when you're intellectually unarmed, bogie. You make yourself look even more stupid than that picture of you with those fucking grapes. You obviously have WAAAY too much time on your hands. On a quick break at work, so punching keys and addressing her bullshit with the quickness.
Someone posted about wishing to see more of a cultural mix at the event in order to represent the rich flavour of the friends of ATCN and TMI. No-one has a problem with the majority of people at the event being black in any way, shape or form. They just wished to see more of a mix of a TRIBE called NEXT. Look at the pictures of the bloggers here--Biz (black); Phoebe (white); Ginger Kid (self-explanatory); illsun (Indian); Dels (mixed-race); Fats (Asian); Ace & Vis (black), etc, etc. It's a multi-facial family that is ever growing. As someone already pointed out, ATCN and 'Trading Places' rocks for colourful people, NOT just for people of colour, so to only have ONE type of people in the place is boring! This is London, and we connect, build and learn from all backgrounds and walks of life.
To answer your question, yes I have read 'Dreams for my Father' and 'The Audacity of Hope'. I've even been to the Trinity church in Chicago and have met Reverend Wright a few years back, but that isn't the point here. Being well versed in history is also something I can choose to waste time and type on with you, but in all honesty, relevant facts from any of J A Rogers's 3 volumes of 'Sex and Race'; Herodotus' 'The Histories'; any of Ivan Van Sertima's great books, even some of David Icke's alternative views or Godfrey Higgins' magnum opus, 'Anacalypsis'; David MacRitchie's 'Ancient and Modern Britons', etc. is far too long to go into here. Suffice to say, if you really wish to put shit out there, at least do some 3-D research and study from all angles, rather than your current myopic view.
Let me just quickly deal with the shit you claimed to know so much about. When it comes to Hiphop, the culture was built on shameless self-promotion from day one. Any race, face or place (although it was predominately black and Latino) wanted publicity for what was going on in the ghetto. And basically it was the cheers of the "kids of Camelot" that were saying, "Look what we created down here. This is something that never existed before we invented it." (and don't try and make some spurious "connection" from West Africa! I'm an educated culturalized brother, and that is just a lazy stretch, bogie). Hiphop (not just the business of rap) brought together the biggest and brightest on the floor, mic and wheels.
Like I said, it was built on shameless self-promotion, and that in turn lends itself to a more corporate buzz word, "marketing." The way we have marketed Hiphop by claiming it, sitting on it, loving it, hoarding over it and defending it from outside excursions has definitely helped it greatly go to a mainstream market to the point where sub-culture has become pop-culture and Hiphop has become the single most compelling market force. It shows what you can accomplish through consistency and it's because that consistent sound was coming from those ghetto areas that it became undeniable. The voice of the streets has become the choice of the record, video, book, video game buying public, to the tune of multiple millions of dollars every year. As a movement, it has become the voice of the voiceless, giving a better understanding of daily struggle and street-life to anyone willing to listen. But the word "movement" reduces things. It implies that there is an ending to it. So that's why we call our timeless culture a "lifestyle"--a living, breathing thing. Like any living thing, it undergoes changes and that is the only constant in life (so booogie, stay stuck in your inaccurate past. Silly lost little girl). 'Trading Places' answers the call of music and cultural lifers in London by capturing a unique and honest portrayal of the universal culture (that's why we want to see EVERYBODY who's down with the Tribe rep'd), not as a target market, but as a heartbeat.
Things change dramatically, but Hiphop always remains a culture and rap a business. One could be seen as broke but spiritually rich, the other one could be seen as spiritually or morally bankrupt but monetarily wealthy. But the crew at Trading Places loves them both. And the corporate world deals with all of the above. Of course, they deal with the industry one way and they deal with the culture in another way, but we're smart enough to know how to strategically work that to our advantage in order to advance the art form and enrich the UNIVERSAL culture.
Okay, break over. Gotta get back to work. Bottom line, 'Trading Places' and ATCN ain't about integration or segregation--it's about congregation. Now let the choir sing!
oh shit. james top 'sonned' booga like he adopted her!! learned a few things myself too. booga, can u please just go away now?
well, well...some extremely knowledgeable & well versed people on the topic of ones culture & relevance.
I may just read some more books, & gain some interesting wisdom.
I really do enjoy the way social debate springs to life from the screen of comments, this is what make us all excellent human beings.
Tibetan Monks are taught & thrown into debate to learn humility, understanding, & clear communication. I believe we have that here, all be it with a little more Venom here & there.
Booga - I love u
Anons - let the words & pearls flow...never stop
& on the subject of TP...John Top...Congregation...Bless U Sir.
Also...leave Specks alone...she is perfect the way she.
Be Well.
bowie and mercury
under pressure
big tune
fatz speaks the truth like no one else.
That's why they say: young men for war; old men for counsel. And Fats is indeed the latter.
Agree with the above. James top, you absolutely smashed with your post sir.
As for Booga Wooga Fredi Kruga, please fuckoff. And stay there.
thats why who say what? i don't know them.
you guys went from viewing a few pictures from trading places to writing fuckin essays about race and your dislike for booga
no one ever manages to stay on topic thats why i like this blog haha
wise words, lets face it the history of things are played on too much, the future is what means something now, love the culture, love the music and love one another, what ever your colour may be, the minority means nothing unless you feel threatened by the opposite
come on lets all play together nicely
fuck william adam, i gots baree hate for that kid
black power
Agree with Zeus. Yesterday is not ours to recover, but today and tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
I'm more interested in the future as I plan to spend my life there, NOT in the inaccurate past like Booga and the anon above who seem to be looking at the present through a rearview mirror, marching backwards into the future! Continue spending most of your time looking forward to the past, ya dummies!
Tomorrow is our permanent address. Let him or her who would enjoy a good future waste none of his or her present. As Malcolm X said: "The future belongs to those who prepare for it today." Add value, take risks, create projects, stay focused. As Peter Drucker said: "The best way to predict the future is to create it."
Good day.
WOW! what the fuck happened here?
basically some guy dissed you.
then everyone stuck up for you.
everyone loves you specks.
you are the number one triber.
lol, thanks for the breakdown! the diss... well that can only be described as a comical swipe at me.
the debates you guys are having smash it. keep reading, keep talking.
just for future reference, if anyone disses specks again, they will feel my naked wrath.
Big up everyone who has expressed themselves via the comment box. I love it. Keep the constructive comments coming.
ps. Specks is beautiful.
pps. James top... that "congregation" comment was powerful.
i love u atcn bun the haterz let us grow strong and mek a load of multi racial yutas, gk need 2 lead the way cus gingerz are set 2 die out bro, spread your seed, we need to pro create and learn to live with the past, its our past and we must never forget, but to move on we shouldn't get so wrapped up with shit, we need to do the planet how its meant to be done, specks is fine no lie, fats is the truth, gk has the funky wunky, lets make it happen, 1 love
Fats & Dels, thanks for the props on the post.
As for the "congregation" line, I must confess, that was borrowed (with permission I must add!) from a brilliant writer who's a good friend of mine.
Peace to one and all.
Cranium. You just inspired me with that one comment more than you'll ever know. Thank you.
ATCN repping tingz at the MOBOS big up!!!
Big love to you, Louise. Stay up.
I saw the first picture of the post an thought "oh sweet some pictures of pheobe" had a little look. Guess what. No pictures of pheobs. Fuck you ATCN. Stop playing with my heart like that.
This is suspect,the racial comment smells of a group of white guys who have a waste blog called BNTL.
ATCN do your thing always positive keep on moving.
Bun dem dickhead bntl fools who have no swagger.
They tried to hit nyc to cement their rep...guess what they got no love.
dear skippy
6 out of 14 bntl are black!
Bafic bro,
they need more people,it's just the whole thing is suspect,just the sought of thing these guys will do just to stare up some sh*t!
Im doubtful ANY of the anonymous comments on this or any other post on ATCN are from posters on bntl.
The notion that BNTL is some kind of secret racist society is a funny but idiotic one.
I dont know you personally and would appreciate if anons refrained from consistantly calling out BNTL in every ATCN post.
Its sad you see people primarily in terms of their race, "a group of white guys", and even sadder that your statements are factually incorrect.
Big up ATCN, BNTL and whomever else may be doing something constructive, however menial.
big ron shut up. you decided to use your name this time did you?
"big" ron,what are you guys doing that is constructive?
Bntl cant even handle anon comments,so that gets taken off.
small ron
What fucking wastemen.
gay ron
big up, big ron.
big ron. small willy.
Anon comments were taken off becuase of people like you who generally detract from the content and debate on blogs.
Appreciate the knick names, especially "gay ron". Sadly i still havent met you and you still choose to comment under the security of anon.
Peace out
sadly, your still a gimp
sadly your a wanker.
anon comments got taken off cus u bntl guys get aired by everyone
yes i got the 100th comment do i win a prize.
a night with big ron
Hey, maybe at the next Trading Places you could get the doorman to install a racial policy at the door. Maybe when too many black people are in the club they could only let white people in to balance it out and just make excuses to the black people trying to get in that its "couples only" or "no trainers" or "no -insert colour here- clothing". That would make it much better, then it wouldnt be like all the other west end clubs at all!
Nice One, Cunts.
^^^^^^haha! THANK YOU anon! I'm glad someone else see's through "PEACE"'s thin veneer.
Booga i actually found it more disturbing that most people seem to side against u. I mean seriously, what the fuck? Who the fuck goes to a hip hop/soul party and complains about the lack of white people in there? Does anyone else not see how ridiculous that is? Obviously Hip hop is for people of all colours, creeds, ages etc but due to its roots and content its of course going to appeal to a certain dempographic. (before any of u start, i said APPEAL, not SOLD TO cause we all know the majority of the record buying public for hip hop are white people, it doesnt mean that they are the majority who listen to it) Do u really think a black girl who went to a brittany spears concert would have a tantrum cause she was surrounded by white girls? Anyway, Booga, fuck em, anyone with an understanding of hip hop or black music (oooo, bet that one gets some hate!) in general would agree with u.
oh, and for the record. Yeah, this is London and i dont know what part of london most of u live in but stop playin yourself like this is some multi cultural paradise cause its not. Londoners love to jump on there high horse about how forward thinking we are in regards to race but generally most of the people who spout this bullshit are generally middle class trendy kids (a bit like the folks at ATCN evidentaly, yes even the black ones!) whove probably never had to witness the kind of racism that people of colour in the inner city go through in London. Im sorry but if u go to Harlesden, Brixton, Hackney or many of the other slowly gentrifying areas on London u may see a mix of white and black people, granted. Lets be honest though, usually its the black people on the corners pushing crack and weed to the trendy trustafarian white kids whove moved in to the neighbourhood cause its now seen as "uber" cool and makes them seem a little edgey to there friends in Club Yo Yo.
you had a point up until...
"most of the people who spout this bullshit are generally middle class trendy kids (a bit like the folks at ATCN evidentaly, yes even the black ones!) whove probably never had to witness the kind of racism that people of colour in the inner city go through in London"
ha haaa! If only you knew darlin'
Anon, thank you, thank you, and THANK YOU!
You speak the truth.
Do you have a blog, b/c if so I'd like to check it out. If not, you should. :)
Booga, i dont im afraid. Maybe ill set one up. She Nang, dont take what i said personally. I dont know everyone on here to generalise like that so maybe i made a bit of a sweeping statement but in general if u read the posts by the majority of the guys who blog/comment on here then its pretty obvious that most people on here fall into that catergory, however u may be an exception. If so, apologies.
LMK if you do.
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