
Love it!


Michelle gave Barack a pound and now everyone is talking about it. It was actually very cute. It has caused quite a stir in America. Actually it was breaking news! It was a such a minor thing but the media have seemed to run with it after his victory this week. The media even had to break down what a pound was, after some press were calling it a closed fist high five...LOL.



Anonymous said...

Barack has literally ignited my interest in politics for all the right reasons. And it seems I'm not the only one! The effect he's has had on our collective consciousness is groundbreaking and a very much welcomed necessity. Pounds, props and high fives to you Obama!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad america's finally ready to have a black president, I really hope he wins. It would be historical, something to tell the grandchildren later...

Shenanigan said...

This image may too become historical.

For me as poignant as athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the 1968 Olympics

NO-BIZZI said...

sooo true...

my favorite obama bit is him brushing the dust off his shoulder a la' JAY-Z!!!

Too sick

Anonymous said...

obama is the man, dont business what anyone says!

Anonymous said...


Big up ATCN

Anonymous said...

Go and check out new Nas - Black President, Green Latern on Production - It is FIRE!!!

Shenanigan said...

thanks Admin! : )

NO-BIZZI said...


clav said...

Make no mistake, the US, nay, the world, NEEDS this guy to win.

I think it'll have an extremely positive effect not only on America's morale as they are now really feeling the effects of what being in debt really mean to their daily lives but also in terms of international relations he would be their best possible president since Clinton (or, for those old enough to remember, Jimmy Carter).

I love Obama mainly because he is everything a great statesman should be - a cool yet charismatic dude, good-looking (triple pause) and coming with the right policies at the right time. The fact he is black is such a bonus but even if he wasn't I'd still want him to go through, he's that good (and when the only other choice is a 71yo former Vietnam POW who wants more war it'd be rude not to!). It would also appear most of Europe want the same thing from what I can see, Bush is preparing his final Presidential tour and no-one really gives a shit 'cos the focus is all on Obama!

You've got to love it - 50 years ago, African-Americans couldn't vote and now there's a very serious chance this guy will become the most powerful man on earth (and we get a black first lady too!)... If that isn't progress I don't know what is and we should all take something from that...

Let's just hope he doesn't get "outed".

Anonymous said...