I was in a really interesting conversation this week about a crazy art project going on in Liverpool later this year and during the chat a couple of people mentioned 'the spider'. I fronted like I knew what they were talking about but actually had no idea.
Then today I saw online what they meant...
How sick is that??
quite siick indeed
william adam is an idiot
makes my skin crawl!
you would post that under anonymous
shut up billy you cunt
seriously.. WHY?!
btw can anyone help me (off topic I kno.. sorry..!)
U kno the new KanyeTour, will it be the same as last years? Cus I saw him last year in Notts and Might go this year- they were both "the glow int he dark tour" and dont really wanna pay to see the exact same show..
altho Mr Hendson + the library are rumoured to be supporting- would love that!
Hope you can help, If Im going, I'll get my ticks 2mrw..
Mr Hendson? are the Muppets really gonna be there? wow
haha.. yeah Im an arse.. its mr Hudson.. my bad..haha x
What is the pathetic need for making an association between Liverpool and car theft in the title of the post? The use of an outdated stereotype, that in fact was and is no more relative to Liverpool than it is to anywhere else is pitiful. Try making statements about something you know in the future instead of put a putting a negative slant on a city you clearly know nothing about.
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