For the first time in history a Jamaican man has wiped out the American favourites by coming first in the 100 metres, obliterating the world record by 9.72 seconds, which could have been even less if Usain didn’t stop and do the bogle before strolling over the finish line. Then straight after that three Jamaican women, made double history, first Shelly-Ann Fraser became the first Jamaican woman to win the 100 metres, and secondly, her team-mates, Sherone Simpson and Kerron Stewart came joint second (because they couldn’t work out who came third in the photo finish) making it a never been done before, Jamaican 1,2, 3 or actually, 1,2,2. For those of you who missed it, after both wins, the fishbowl stadium was alive with the sound of Reggae music blasting from every speaker!!!
That’s big! Cos I don’t ever remember, hearing Busta Rhymes or Snoop playing when any of the Americans won. I know that for Jamaicans back home, and those over here, born or just ‘visiting’ it was a very proud and emotional moment, and as there’s a strong population of Jamaicans and West Indian’s in GB, you’d think the Jamaican winners would get at least half of a front page. Yeh I know Team GB’s doing well, yeah, yeah, yeah, but come on now…first we gave you Bob, then Reggae Reggae sauce, I mean surely a little front page domination would be OK? Wouldn’t want the world to think Jamaicans can only make front-page news when it involves guns, Yardies, or drugs now would we…?
LOL...the picture is genius.
Phelps is heavy don't get me wrong, but it's easier to win 8 medals in swimming, cos all you are doing is swimming 8 races in different styles of like 25 meters more. Don't get me wrong he done amazing.
Usain Bolt is a G. He should actually try though, and lets see how fast he can actually run.
Flippin' Jamo's... lol
To be fair although I'm NOT of Jamaican descent (I'm Trini!) I'm still extremely proud of Jamaica's achievements - fo' real. Especially 'cos it's REALLY pissed off a lot of Americans (go on Youtube and witness the calls of "DOPED!" and "I think he's too cocky") - I think the phrase "How's about them apples?" is pretty apt at this juncture... lol
But seriously, I think what he's done is a great bonus for Jamaicans and in fact the whole West Indian community - it shows that we have talent as good as, if not better than the rest of the world and that's without having world-class training facilities!!! I think the fact that his height defies the normal logic regarding sprinters is also amazing, the whole rule book regarding who can or can't be a sprint just got torn up. Hopefully he'll be seen as a real inspiration to many "back home" and over here too!!!
Well done Usain - I can't wait to see what he'll do next...
Big post Vis been waiting for this one! Disagree with a couple of points first not sure Team GB's success is too unexpected, fair enough Adlinton with a double gold but with the strongest track cycling squad in the world and a good rowing team we were always going to have a few but to be 3rd in the table right now is dope!
I think Bolt did get good coverage too it just happened he did the amazing on a weekend when Britain took a big haul which was always going to dominate here, but he is the true meagstar and face of track and field now, can't wait for the 200m final. Its good to see the Americans knocked of their perch too (sorry) funniest part was when the Jamaicans got a 123 in the womens and the US appealed against the result on the basis that their athelete that finished last thought she false started!!lol
Jamaica Jamaaaaicaaaaaaaa...
Welcome to Jamrock...
@ GK - Que?
Love the picture you look good in running shorts ; )
Loved it when Shelly-Ann Fraser attributed Jamiaca's success to Yam & Dumplin..
Kiss me neck! Me caan believe me eye! Bare screaming down the house.
But no it will never make front page news. Thank God for The Voice and the Nation.
Just wish me was deh. In the carib they take impromtu holidays when someone wins something epic like this. Can you imagine the all night shoobins? damn.
Great Britain is an extremely multicultural Place. London is the Multicultural capital of Europe.
"you’d think the Jamaican winners would get at least half of a front page." No, i wouldn't. Just as i wouldn't expect any other nation to get that just because of a presence in GB.
And to infer that the lack of column inches is down to the preference of a portrayal of Guns, Yardies or Drugs is just ludicrous.
@ Anon 11:38
What a silly reaction to this post.
Get a sense of humour you Nazi.
i should get a sense of humour, you're right. Cos this post is a Joke.
There is a huge population of Tunisians in France, do you think they should put Tunisia's Men's 1500m Freestyle Gold on the font page?
No. You don't.
Nazi? ha. You are showing yourself up by using such an obvious comeback. It has nothing to do with being a Nazi. I am a black man and as liberal as they come. I am not, however, stupid enough to believe that a lack of press coverage about a foreign nations Olympic triumphs is wrong.
By far your best post Vis.
It's a great time for Jamaicans all over the world, whether we see it in the mainstream press or not.
I for one was screaming and chatting to bare excited JA mates...we're just waiting to hear a Mavado tune playing in the stadium when Bolt takes over the 200m too - fingers crossed.
Big post vis .. let me start by saying that this race was ridiculously big .. i mean come on people this is the olympic games some people have trained for 4 years others a lifetime building up to this final! surely no athlete should be able to win by such a margin .. i personally have never seen anything like it!
big ups to Jamaica. their athletes are running their asses off. can't deny the talent. and if dope were an issue, it would eventually come to light. i just happen to think they're great runners. not only on the men's side, but women's as well.
@ Anon 14:12
Blah, Blah, Blah. No one cares if you’re black or liberal. In fact I’m sure no one here cares about you, period. So save your life story for elsewhere.
The fact of the matter is you’re the ONLY person that the thought Vis was being serious when suggesting that Jamaican athletes should get front page domination in the UK press. Why? Because you’re a wasteman basically.
And you say my initial reaction to your comments was obvious? Well to be honest expecting a reaction to such ignorant comments is just sad. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Now go face the wall and wave a Tunisian flag in the air till you learn to stop bitching.
Proud Jamaican.
When he wins the 200 all i wanna hear is .....
Im so special .. im so special .. so special .. so special .....
Jamaica stand up !!!!
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