
The struggle continues...

Taken from a forthcoming Talib Kweli documentary...

Why does Talib continue to be in Mos Def's shadow?
Why has he never gone through on that other level?
Its a struggle but will it ever be beautiful for Talib?



Ms. Understood said...

i really want to see the whole thing.

Kweli is like a firework that never went off.

Anonymous said...

Talib wont go through as long as mos is alive!

DELS (Kieren Dickins) said...

Its not he's talented enough, it's just theres no room for everyone to be on the same level. So were left with a hieracy of MCs that doesnt necessarily reflect the level of skill, its more about what the majority of the people like more. You can call it luck?

Like Kweli said on 'Ear Drum' "You can't please everybody."

clav said...

Surely (playing Devil's advocate here) if the majority of people like one rapper more than another then that's all that counts really? I wouldn't call that luck - I'd call that better connection with an audience!

And I disagree with the no room thing - there is ALWAYS room at the top.


some inspiring shizer...
i love how he started wildin out though when he saw those Manchunian's selling bootleg kanye tee's fucking hilarious.