
punch [not] my face

This video makes me think that you really can't go wrong with a nice bit of slow-mo...
especially when it involves punching people with saggy faces.

But honestly people, i'm a lover not a fighter. Taking my tips from Forrest, all I can do is run like the wind. I wouldn't take a punch to the face, not even for arts sake.

Specks The Wimp


Anonymous said...

the build up before the full punch is so good.

some of the best face shakes i've ever seen.


Anonymous said...

awesome - love the guy with the phone getting it!!!

Anonymous said...

amazing. Maybe happy slapping was art all along.

lol @ 'Specks The Wimp'

NO-BIZZI said...

is it wrong i find this a little erotic?


laura said...

EROTIC? wow...

NO-BIZZI said...


I sound like a member of the specks fanclub!

The Almanac said...

that is serious... the guy with the bottle of water is the best one....

dont know bout erotic though.......


Anonymous said...

hilarious. they gonna pay for breaking that guy's sunglasses lol!

Gynelle said...

wow-i enjoyed every second of that-i would actually agree and say i found it rather sexual

Samantha Jones said...

the guy withe cigarette is a good one...
his chin WOW