Today it was announced that Louis Vuitton is to acquire the privately-held The Hundreds is Huge, Inc. in a deal worth approximately $18 million.
You can read the article here ... Now is this merely an April fools joke on behalf of The Hundreds boys or are they laughing all the way to the bank - CHA CHING! ??
They say The Hundreds are big... did they just get even bigger?

I say funny, haha ... next!
The Hundreds get an A for effort on this one. Apart from the URL, the cnn link looks mad real.
Anybody catch the summer 08 lookbook? DOPE!!!!
It does look mad real, if it wasn't for the URL and the disclaimer I caught at the bottom, I would've been inclined to belive it.
yall got duped
there was no duping. i appreciated their effort though.
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