
Halloween is nearly here...

But could you do this to your kid?

Im all for dressing up to go trick or treating, im all for free sweets
but doing this to your kid? Buy yours at Amazon.com for $23
Sink or Swim?


Anonymous said...

i think...this is the cutest thing I've ever seen!

do they do that in adult size?! hahah

Al Sanya said...

You know that everyone is gonna dress up as "the joker" from the dark knight this halloween.

and that lobster kid is just wrong. Look at the kids face!! I know I wouldnt be happy being a lobster.

clav said...

As I've always said, I love kids but I could never eat a whole one...

Anonymous said...

gary glitter will ave one fo sure

Phoebe said...

This makes me broody.